Neuropride plus


To over Neuropathic conditions, need India's 1(st) kind of Therapeutic Combination....Thus NEUROPRIDE PLUS contains:Pregabalin,Alpha lipoic acid,Benfotiamine,Methylcobalamin,Folic acid and Biotin

IN:Diabetic Neuropathy ,Peripheral Neuropathy , Alcoholic Neuropathy , Vitamin Neuropathy, Fibromyalgia Neuropathy ,Brachial Neuralgia , Spondylosis

To over Neuropathic conditions, need India's 1(st) kind of Therapeutic Combination....Thus NEUROPRIDE PLUS contains:Pregabalin,Alpha lipoic acid,Benfotiamine,Methylcobalamin,Folic acid and Biotin

IN:Diabetic Neuropathy ,Peripheral Neuropathy , Alcoholic Neuropathy , Vitamin Neuropathy, Fibromyalgia Neuropathy ,Brachial Neuralgia , Spondylosis

bio floyds pharma NEUROPRIDE